Podiatrist or orthopaedist? Which foot and ankle specialist do you need?

Foot or ankle pain? Well not to worry, because we know a thing or two about foot and ankle health treatments! When you have pain, but can’t identify exactly what is causing it, it can be tricky to decide whom to see. It likely isn’t just you either - estimates say that between 9% and 30% of the UK general population have foot pain.

So, do you see a podiatrist or an orthopaedist? They both specialise in that part of the body, but focus on different causes within.

In this guide, we will detail what each specialises in, and which you should see and why. Luckily, in London especially both are in good supply so you’ll always have someone to see!

Podiatrists: The Foot and Ankle Specialists

Podiatrists are healthcare professionals with specialised training in the care of the foot, ankle, and related structures of the leg. Unlike orthopedists, who have a more general skillset, podiatrists should usually be your first go to for the majority of foot or ankle issues you may encounter. They are adept at managing a variety of conditions, including:

  • Complex Foot Disorders: Podiatrists treat complex foot disorders such as flat feet, high arches, and other structural issues that can affect your overall posture and mobility.

  • Sports-Related Injuries: Athletes often rely on podiatrists for the treatment of sports-related injuries and advice on proper footwear and injury prevention strategies.

  • Paediatric Foot Care: Children with foot deformities, gait abnormalities, or growth-related issues can benefit from a podiatrist’s specialised paediatric care.

  • Geriatric Foot Health: Foot issues tend to get worse as we age, unfortunately. Podiatrists play a crucial role in maintaining mobility and independence for older adults.

  • General Foot Issues: Podiatrists are equipped best to deal with more general foot specific issues such as bunions, in-growing toenails, hammertoes and more.

If your concerns are strictly within the realm of your feet or ankles, whether it’s a nagging pain, a suspected fracture, or visible foot issue, a podiatrist is your best bet to ensure you get the best specialised care.

Orthopaedists: Specialists of The Musculoskeletal System

Orthopaedists, otherwise known as orthopaedic surgeons, have a broader scope of practice that encompasses the entire musculoskeletal system. They are trained to diagnose, treat, and manage conditions such as:

  • Comprehensive Joint Care: From arthritis management to total joint replacement, orthopaedists handle a wide array of joint-related issues.

  • Trauma and Fracture Care: Orthopaedists are often found in emergency rooms, providing acute care for traumatic injuries and ensuring proper healing of fractures.

  • Sports Medicine: Specialising in sports medicine, orthopaedists treat athletes of all levels, focusing on injury prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation.

  • Osteoporosis Management: They also play a key role in managing osteoporosis, a condition that weakens bones and makes them more prone to fractures.

For general musculoskeletal problems or conditions that affect multiple areas of your body, an orthopaedist is the specialist to consult. They offer a comprehensive approach to treatment, which may include surgery, physical therapy, and medication. However, for more localised pain around your feet and ankles, it is likely that your issue will fall more under the expertise of a podiatrist.

Deciding on the Right Specialist in London

The choice between a podiatrist and an orthopaedist often depends on the specific nature of your issue. Consider the following factors:

  • Specificity of the Condition: Podiatrists are the best choice for conditions that are confined to the foot and ankle. For broader issues, an orthopaedist’s expertise is more suitable.

  • Depth of Specialisation: While both specialists can treat foot and ankle problems, podiatrists have a deeper specialisation in it.

  • Surgical Interventions: Orthopaedists are trained to perform a wide range of surgeries, which may be necessary for complex or severe conditions, such as those affecting multiple parts of the body.

Whether you’re dealing with a sudden injury, chronic pain, or a condition that affects your ability to walk or perform daily activities, understanding the roles of podiatrists and orthopaedists will best ensure you are given the treatment you need most efficiently. By choosing the right specialist, you ensure that you receive targeted treatment, benefit from specialised expertise, and set yourself on the path to optimal recovery. 

So if whatever is bugging you is still doing so after reading all that, maybe it’s time to get it seen to? Based in London, Foot and Ankle Treatments can provide quality care for a wide range of issues. Your feet and ankles are extremely important - so if you have an issue with them, book a consultation with us to help us ensure you can be back to your best!