Syndesmosis injuries or the “high ankle sprain”

The syndesmosis is formed of a number of ligaments, which as a whole provide integrity between the fibula and tibia, resisting rotational and translational forces. A syndesmosis injury is a type of ligamentous injury also known as “high ankle sprain”. It is an uncommon type of sprain that occurs in 0.5% of all ankle sprains. […]
Running injuries – common causes of foot pain in runners

Running has always been high on the charts of sports and physical activity. During the recently enforced lockdowns we saw a surge of runners on the streets – and, due to the frequency of running injuries – in our foot & ankle clinics. With sports facilities and gyms closed, many resorted to open air […]
What are Hammer Toes?

A multitude of terms are commonly used to refer to deformities of the toes. Hammer toes are one of the most frequently seen, but how can one know if their toe is affected? And is it the same as a Mallet toe? Mr Malagelada treats hammer toes and shares his expertise about this condition, why […]
Foot and ankle surgery explained

Foot and ankle surgery is a specialised branch of orthopaedic surgery that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the lower extremities. This field encompasses a wide range of surgical procedures aimed at addressing issues such as fractures, deformities, arthritis, ligament and tendon injuries, and other disorders affecting the foot and ankle. Surgeons in this […]